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Friday, April 17, 2015

When we want to achieve something, we need to make an initial steps to achieve it. No matter how big or small our dreams are, we can never achieve it if we don't make the initial steps to achieve it.
Here is an article from one of my favorite blog, the
Here are some points that the article is pointing out:
Find out what motivates you: When we find out what our motivations are, it will be easier for us to make the move.
Get some external deadlines: We must set deadlines for every tasks and we must follow the deadlines the we have set, no excuses, otherwise, we tend to postpone the tasks and eventually end up not finishing the task.
Grab a partner: This is very important. The partner can evaluate us and they can help us do the task effectively. They can also give us constructive criticism in order for us to have grow.
Embrace Failure: Failure is the best teacher. We all know that. The number of failures we experience defines how successful we will be. For as long as we don't give up.
Use reward strategically, generously reward yourself on the occasion of success, it can help you do better.

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