Contents contain third party websites/blog. No copyright infringement intended. Powered by Blogger.

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The original purpose of this web/blog is for my personal collection of different interesting topics that can be found online. This is supposed to be a bookmark for all the internet sites that I have visited however, when I format my pc, all my bookmarks are gone. Thanks to Google Chrome Bookmark feature, I don't need to rebookmark my favorite sites because Google Chrome offers syncing of bookmarks from one pc to pc and stored in my Google Account.

Time passed when I wanted to share my bookmarks to my friends, doing that in Chrome is not very good. I mean there must be a better way to share my bookmarks besides that. Then finally I have decided to make this web/blog so sharing my bookmarks is more fun and more decent I should say.

Disclaimer: The contents of this web/blog are excerpts from different websites. I have no intentions of any Copyright Infringement or whatsoever. I provide links for my sources so that the original source of the document I am quoting is being acknowledged. If however posts do not have links to external url, it must be the case that I do not know or I do not have the original source for the link as indicated in the post.